**CANCELLED** General Meeting: Sunday March 29, 2020

Sorry, this meeting has been cancelled due to the temporary closure of RBG announced March 13, 2020.

Time for re-potting?

It’s our annual re-potting session! Note that the date of our March meeting is later in the month than usual, as RGB needs the room on our usual meeting date for March break activities.

As usual, we invite members, especially new members, to bring a plant that needs re-potting and get some assistance from the more experienced re-potters. You will also need to bring the pot that you plan to use for the plant, as well as your secateurs (and gloves if you like). Media for re-potting will be available. We meet in room 5, Royal Botanical Gardens, 680 Plains Rd. W. Burlington. The formal meeting starts at 2 pm but you are invited to arrive any time after 1 pm to socialize and interact with vendors.

We’ll also vote for the March “Orchid of the Month” so bring your best orchids in flower for the Show Table. Guests are welcome. If you thought about joining when you attended the orchid show, but were hesitant about jumping in, this is a good time to find out more.