The speaker for this meeting is Claudio Rossi of Cloud’s Orchids and his topic is Brassavola Nodosa and its hybrids. This presentation covers first generation breeding with the lovely “Lady of the Night” orchid. Interactions with different general within the Cattleya Alliance are also highlighted. Claudio Rossi has been growing orchids since 1974 and founded Cloud’s Orchids in 1990, providing locally flask-raised orchids to other nurseries and the general public worldwide. He has a background in horticulture and is and AOS orchid judge with senior status. Orchids may be ordered for delivery at the meeting by using the form on Cloud’s website. The meeting is in Room 5, Royal Botanical Gardens, 680 Plains Road West, Burlington. The formal part of the meeting starts at 2 p.m. but you are invited to arrive any time after 1 p.m. to socialize and interact with vendors. Members and guests welcome.