Our speaker for the October meeting will be Calvin Lo. Calvin has been growing orchids for about 15 years as a hobbyist and is on the executive of the Saskatchewan Orchid Society. He will be talking about his favourite genera of orchids: The Angraecoids. The talk will showcase a photographic tour of orchids growing in situ at various locales in Kenya, East Africa, followed by photos of angraecoids grown in cultivation and a discussion of how to try and grow these plants in your home. Calvin works in Toronto as a pediatric anesthesiologist and says that orchids provide a welcome escape from the world of medicine. As usual, the meeting will be held in Room 5, Royal Botanical Gardens, 680 Plains Rd. W., Burlington, ON. The formal meeting starts at 2 pm but you are invited to arrive any time after 1 pm to socialize and interact with vendors. Members and guests welcome.