Panel from 2019 meeting: Drew Goddard, Chris Varady and Rob Vanderheyden
The September meeting will be a reprise of a favourite format: a question and answer session where you, the members, can bring your questions and concerns about your orchids to a panel of local growers including Ben Boers and Joe DiCiommo among others. Not a good idea to bring along plants that may be diseased or suffering from insect pests. Instead, you can send photos in advance to [You can also send photos if you think a picture is “worth a thousand words” in trying to describe an issue that you would like someone to comment on or if you just want to remain anonymous.] The meeting will be held in rooms 3 and 4, Royal Botanical Gardens Headquarters, 680 Plains Rd. W., Burlington, Ontario. The formal meeting will begin at 2 pm and you are invited to arrive any time after 1:30 to socialize and interact with vendors. You are also invited to bring your beautiful orchids for the Show Table and, as well, if you have any orchids or orchid-related items suitable for raffling off, such donations are always appreciated. Masking or not will depend on personal preferences. Members and guests welcome.