The December 19th program will be about the genus Tolumnea. Our speaker, Jeanne Kaeding, made the transition from tropical fish to growing orchids as her main hobby in her mid-twenties. Since then she has progressed from growing in a windowsill, under lights in an enclosed room in the basement, and finally in a 9.5 by 24 foot greenhouse in her backyard. One of the things she has always liked about the orchid hobby is its complexity, all the different things you can learn about and do with orchids. Currently, as well as growing, she is an AOS Orchid Judge and does her own hybridizing and flasking. She loves to bloom out several plants of a cross and see the differences among the clones. One of her beautiful hybrids is Tolumnia Northern Lights. Jeanne defines an orchid expert as one who has managed to kill more plants than most. 😀
This meeting will follow the same format as previous meetings this year: Jeanne will be joining us via ZOOM, and invitations will be sent out to OSRBG members via email in the week preceding the event. If you do not receive your invitation or if you are not a member and would like to join as a guest, please contact OrchidataOSRBG@gmail.com. The formal meeting starts at 2 pm but the doors will be open, so to speak, about 1:30 so that everyone can get settled and socialize a bit before the meeting.
Members who have orchid photos for the Virtual Show Table should send them to OrchidataOSRBG@gmail.com by 6 pm on Friday December 17 to be included in the slideshow. Be sure to include in the email your name, the name of the orchid, it’s parentage if known and any other relevant details.