The May 28th meeting of the OSRBG will be a follow-up from the March repotting session. This time we will first explain a little bit about flasking orchid seeds. This will be followed by a demonstration of taking the seedlings out of a sterile flask, a process called deflasking. The plantlets in our flask are Phalaenopsis New Horizon which is cross of two species, equestris x deliciosa (See photo above for a sense of the expected results.)
Once out of flask, the plantlets will be available to members to pot up – a hands-on experience for you. $5 per plant will cover the cost of the plant and the supplies to pot it. A list of new plant owners will be kept, as we plan to have a little contest! The plan is to see who can bloom their plant first for a $25 coupon to spend with one of our vendors. Also, at the June 2024 annual business meeting of the society (about a year from now), whoever has the largest plant will also receive a $25 coupon to spend with one of our vendors.
As well during the May meeting, we will have a presentation by fellow member Jocelyn Webber about a possible field trip to see native orchids in their natural habitat – one that’s about an hour’s drive from Burlington. Further details at the meeting.
As usual, the meeting will take place at RBG Headquarters, 680 Plains Rd. W., Burlington, Ontario (probably in rooms 3 and 4). The formal meeting will begin at 2 pm and you are invited to arrive any time after 1:30 to socialize and interact with vendors. You are also invited to bring your beautiful orchids for the Show Table. As we hope to hold a raffle as well, if you have any orchids or orchid-related items suitable for raffling off, such donations would be much appreciated. Masking (or not) will depend on personal preferences. Members and guests welcome.