How did a bit of an ugly ducking, from two very diverse parents, become one of the most successful parents of all time in the Cattleya alliance?
“Cattlianthe Chocolate Drop and its Stunning Hybrids” is the topic for our January meeting. Jean Allen-Ikeson will give an illustrated talk about the development and culture of this beauty. We can expect to see lots of red! Jean Allen-Ikeson is well-known to OSRBG members, having addressed our group on several occasions. A judge in the Toronto Judging Centre, she was once OSRBG newsletter editor (in the late 1990s). Jean has written numerous articles for Orchids magazine and given webinars for the AOS besides being National Education Coordinator for AOS Judges and Chair of the Editorial Board of the AOS. She grows in a greenhouse and sunroom ‘up the escarpment’ from Dundas.
The meeting will take place at Royal Botanical Gardens Headquarters, Rooms 3 & 4, 680 Plains Rd. W., Burlington, Ontario. The formal meeting begins at 2 pm but you are invited to arrive as early as 1:30 to socialize and interact with vendors. Please bring your beautiful orchids in bloom for the show table and any orchids or orchid-related items you may have for the raffle. Masking (or not) according to personal preferences. Members and guests welcome.