If you do a Google search on “Amazon Orchids,” you will see pictures of beautiful fake orchids that you can buy from that well-known online retailer!! But if you are more interested in seeing pictures of the REAL orchids of the Amazon Rainforest, you might be better advised to attend our November meeting, when Jean Hollebone will present on her trip to that part of the world and the orchids she saw there.
Jean Hollebone is a long time member and volunteer in the Ottawa Orchid Society, and an AOS judge based in the Toronto Judging Centre. Active in the AOS since 2012 she has served in many positions: Trustee, Secretary, Vice president, and Chair or member of many AOS Committees. Currently she has cut back to two activities, heading a small task force to update the AOS bylaws, and the Awards Committee which solicits and disperses honours to deserving AOS volunteers. In Ottawa she currently co-chairs the Program Committee. With her family grown and dispersed, Jean now has time to travel and has enjoyed several trips exploring orchids in their native habitats. Jean believes that the more we can understand about how orchids grow in nature, the better we can apply that knowledge to enhance the growing conditions and the blooms of the orchids we love to grow.
The meeting will take place at RBG Headquarters, 680 Plains Rd. W., Burlington Ontario, probably in Room 5 (subject to confirmation). The formal meeting begins at 2 pm, but you are invited to arrive as early as 1:30 pm to socialize and to interact with vendors. Please bring your beautiful orchids in bloom for the Show Table, and if so inclined, any orchids or orchid-related items for the raffle. Members and guests welcome.