At the Awards Ceremony on Saturday, February 23, 2019, trophies and awards
were presented in various categories. We congratulate the winners and thank the
sponsors of the awards as follows:
Display, 6-15 plants : won by C & C Orchids (Ravenvision Award, Jay Norris)
Display, 16-25 plants: won by Orchids Canada (Evelyn Hearder Memorial Award,
Wendy Hearder-Moan)
Display, more than 25 plants: won by Di Ciommo Orchids (Donated by Bernie
Educational display: won by Alexander Arts (Donated by OSRBG)
Amateur display: won by Joyce Medcalf (Donated by Penelope Petrie)
Society display, 1-15 plants: won by Windsor Orchid Society (Donated by Jane and
Robert Johnstone)
Society display, more than 15 plants: won by Southern Ontario Orchid Society
(Donated by Robert Vanderheyden)
Junior display (under 19 years): no entries
Cattleya Alliance Species (Classes 100-160): won by John Marcotte, Orchids
Canada for Sophronitis coccinea (Windsor Greenhouse Award, Jean Allen-Ikeson)
Cattleya Hybrid (Classes 170-260): won by Di Ciommo Orchids for Blc. Green
Bird (Cindy and Ben Boers Award)
Paphiopedilum Species (Classes 270-292): won by John Marcotte for
Paphiopdilum haynaldianum ‘Charlie’ HCC/AOS (Gary Schreiber Memorial
Award, donated by Jocelyn Webber)
Paphiopedilum Hybrid (Classes 300- 370): won by Daniel Scher for
Paphiopedilum Prince Edward of York (Linda Will Award)
Phragmipedium Species (Classes 401-403): won by Synea Tan, SOOS, for
Phragmipedium humboldtii (Anonymous donor)
Phragmidedium Hybrid (Classes 411-414): won by Dr. Bussie for Phragmipedium
After Glow (Lynda and Pat Vuurman Award)
Cypripedium Alliance (Class 420): no entries
Phalaenopsis / Doritis Species (Class 430): won by Joe Di Ciommo for
Phalaenopsis amabilis v. formosanum 4N (Donated by This Side of Paradise, Drew
Phalaenopsis Hybrid (Classes 440-572): won by Joe Di Ciommo for Phalaenopsis
Gan Lin Sun Flower (Wilson Ng IPA Perpetual Award)
Vanda Alliance (Classes 580-690): won by Peter & Sherry Decyk for Aerides leena
(Anonymous donor)
Brassia (Class 700): no entries
Oncidium Alliance (Classes 710-780): won by Ted & Charlene Kretz, Niagara
Region Orchid Society for Oncidium Pagan Love Song ‘Chocolate Thunder’HC
(Donated by Orchids in our Tropics, Doug Kennedy)
Cymbidium Alliance (Classes 790-810): won by Di Ciommo Orchids for Ansellia
africana (Anonymous donor)
Dendrobium Alliance (Classes 820-880): won by John Marcotte for Dendrobium
Aussie’s Chip ‘Charlie’ CCE/AOS (Award donated by C & C Orchids)
Pleurothallid Alliance (Classes 890-920): won by Joyce Medcalf for Pleurothallis
bivalvis ‘Hill Island’ CHM/AOS (Mario Ferrusi Memorial Award)
Lycaste (Class 930): won by Rick Rempel for Anguloa dubia (Gerda Mros
Memorial Award)
Maxillaria, Catasetum (Classes 940-960): won by Rob Vanderheyden for
Fredclarkara (Mo. Painted Desert x Ctsm. Alexa) (Doris Jensen Award)
Bulbophyllum and Miscellaneous General (Classes 970-990): won by Ted &
Charlene Kretz, Niagara Region Orchid Society for Ludisia discolor (Doris Jensen
Best Specimen Plant (Class 1030): won by Di Ciommo Orchids for Phalaenopsis
Hornglyn Gentle (Donated by RBG)
Best Plant in Show (Class 1040): won by Peter & Sherry Decyk for Aerides leeana
(RBG and OSRBG Perpetual Award)
COC Trophy (Best Plant in OSRBG display): won by Gavin Clark for Coelogyne
cristata (donated by OSRBG)
Painting/Mixed Media: won by Christy Graham for Avelyn (Anonymous donor)
Watercolour / Botanicals: won by Susanne Matheson for Phalaenopsis Yu Oin
Peach girl Cultivar (donated by OSRBG)
Three Dimensional Craft: No award made
Photograph / Digital Art: won by Ed Cott for Cryptochilussanguineus “Marni’s
Cardinal” HCC/AOS (Anonymous donor)
Junior Artist: No award made