At our first meeting of the new year, you will hear about Oncidium fuscatum and its hybrids: this is a cinderella story of an uninspiring species that went on to become a wonderful parent to such greats as Debutante and Pupukea Sunset, and grandparent of Wildcat, unmatched for awards to a hybrid in the Oncidium alliance, and the ever popular Catatante, shown above. Expect to see RED!!!
Our speaker for this session, Jean Allen-Ikeson is a judge in the Toronto Judging Centre. She was newsletter editor for more than five years for OSRBG, has written numerous articles for Orchids magazine and webinars for the AOS besides being National Education Coordinator for AOS Judges and Chair of the Editorial Board of the AOS. Jean grows in a greenhouse and sunroom ‘up the escarpment’ from Dundas.
As has become the norm, the meeting will be held via Zoom. OSRBG members will receive a link via email in the week preceding the meeting. If you do not receive the email or if you are not a member and would like to attend as a guest, please contact OrchidataOSRBG@gmail.com. The formal meeting begins at 2 pm but the doors will open, so to speak, about 1:30 to allow everyone to get settled and to socialize a bit.
There will also be a virtual show table. Members with orchids to brag about should send photos to OrchidataOSRBG@gmail.com by 6 pm on Friday January 14 in order to have them included in the powerpoint. Please include your name, the name of the plant (and its parentage if known) and any relevant culture information.