Please note that the November meeting, held jointly with COOS, will be held on their usual meeting date and time instead of the usual OSRBG date. Details below.

Our speaker for the November meeting is Tom Mirenda. The title of his talk is Phalaenopsis species! Ecology informs Culture. Prepared for the IPA, this talk covers most of the Phalaenopsis species currently in cultivation and some of the nuances of their culture based on where they came from.
Tom has addressed our two Societies before. Headquartered in Hawaii, he has been growing orchids professionally for over 3 decades and has travelled the world to find both wild and cultivated orchids. He curated the orchid collection at the Smithsonian for 17 years, producing annual educational exhibits for millions of visitors. Currently he is a columnist for the American Orchid Society (AOS Orchids) and a leader of the OGCN (Orchid Garden Conservation Network) He recently co-authored “The Book of Orchids” with collaborators from Kew.
This will be a Zoom meeting. The formal meeting starts at 7 pm with the doors open, so to speak, at 6:30 pm to allow everyone to get settled and socialize a bit beforehand. OSRBG and COOS members will receive an e-Mail invitation in the week preceding the meeting. If you do not receive your invitation, or if you are not a member of either Society and would like to attend as a guest, please contact
There will also be a virtual Show Table. Members with orchid blooms to brag about should send their photos to by Saturday November 20 at 9 am. Please include the name of the orchid, its parentage (if known) as well as your own name and any brief pertinent remarks about the plant and its culture. To make it easier for Jeff to assemble the powerpoint, please include pictures of one orchid only per email message with the ID for that orchid.