Monthly Archives: March 2015

2015 Award Winners


At  the Awards Ceremony on Saturday, February 28, 2015, trophies and awards were presented in various categories. We congratulate the winners and thank the sponsors of the awards as follows:


Display, 6-15 plants :  won by Zephyrus Orchids  (Ravenvision Award)

Display, 16-25 plants:  won by Di Ciommo Orchids (Evelyn Hearder Memorial Award)

Educational display:  won by Ravenvision Photography (Anonymous donation)

Amateur display:  won by Joyce Medcalf (Donated by Penelope Petrie)

Society display, 1-15 plants: won by Windsor Orchid Society (Donated by Jane and Robert Johnstone)

Society display, more than 15 plants:  won by Southern Ontario Orchid Society (Donated by Jocelyn Webber)


Cattleya Alliance Species (Classes 100-160): won by Marcel Carrière, Ottawa Orchid Society (Windsor Greenhouse Award)

Cattleya Hybrid (Classes 170-260): won by Crystal Star Orchids (Cindy and Ben Boers Award)

Paphiopedilum Species (Classes 270-292): won by Crystal Star Orchids (Gary Schreiber Memorial Award)

Paphiopedilum Hybrid (Classes 300- 370): won by Wilson Ng (Linda Will Award)

Phragmipedium Species (Classes 401-403): won by Orchids in our Tropics (Annette Bagby Award)

Phragmidedium Hybrid (Classes 411-414): won by Jim Kendall, Central Ontario Orchid Society (Lynda and Pat Vuurman Award)

Cypripedium Alliance (Class 420): won by Orchid Society of the Royal Botanical Gardens (Joyce Medcalf Award)

Phalaenopsis / Doritis Species (Class 430): won by Windsor Orchid Society (Donated by This Side of Paradise)

Phalaenopsis Hybrid (Classes 440-572): won by Wilson Ng  (Wilson Ng IPA Perpetual Award)

Vanda Alliance (Classes 580-690): won by Jim Kendall, Central Ontario Orchid Society (Donated by Clouds Orchids)

Brassia (Class 700): won by Orchids in our Tropics (John Kafka Memorial Award)

Oncidium Alliance (Classes 710-780): won by Wilson Ng (Donated by Orchids in our Tropics)

Cymbidium Alliance (Classes 790-810): won by Wilson Ng (Donated by OSRBG)

Dendrobium Alliance (Classes 820-880): won by Ruby Chong, Central Ontario Orchid Society (Sherry and Peter Decyk Award)

Pleurothallid Alliance (Classes 890-920): won by Joyce Medcalf (Audrey Travis Memorial Award)

Lycaste (Class 930): won by Marsh Hollow (Gerda Mros Memorial Award)

Maxillaria, Catasetum (Classes 940-960): won by Bernie Butts and Chuck Lefaive, Central Ontario Orchid Society (Doris Jensen Award)

Bulbophyllum and Miscellaneous General (Classes 970-990): won by Peter and Sherry Decyk (Doris Jensen Award)

Specimen Plant (Class 1030): won by Peter and Sherry Decyk (Donated by RBG)

Plant in Show (Class 1040): won by Wilson Ng (RBG and OSRBG Perpetual Award)

COC Trophy : won by June Cramer

AOS Award: won by Marsh Hollow


Painting/Mixed Media: won by Zorica Krasvija (Penny Lipcsik Award)

Watercolour / Botanicals: won by Karen Logan

Three Dimensional Craft: won by Yvonne Bando (Charlotte Moore Award)

Photograph / Digital Art: won by John Alexander (Phyllis and Scott Milne Award)

Junior Artist: won by Jainin Rehal


General Meeting: Sunday, March 29, 2015


To re-pot or not to re-pot? if that is the question, bring your problem plant to the Orchid Society meeting on March 29 and see what the re-potting experts think. If it needs to be re-potted, they will give you some help and advice. If you are on top of all your re-potting, congratulations! Come to the meeting anyway to help your colleagues, or work on plants from the RBG collection. This is a hands-on session. Bring your secateurs, gloves and pots. Basic potting medium will be provided and extra supplies available for purchase. The meeting is scheduled for 2 p.m. in Room 5 at the RBG Headquarters at 680 Plains Road West, Burlington. Come any time after 1 p.m. to talk to vendors and other members.