Our March meeting will be a continuation, in a sense, of the January meeting which was very well-received. This time, Sandra Micucci, Rob Vanderheyden and Wendy Hearder-Moan will present photos of their orchid-growing areas and answer questions about their techniques and challenges. (The above photo is a sneak-preview of one of Rob Vanderheyden’s spaces.) This is a Zoom meeting, of course, and members will be receiving an invitation via email. Prospective guests should contact the Society at OrchidataOSRBG@gmail.com to find out about obtaining an invitation. The formal meeting starts at 2 p.m. and doors will open, so to speak, around 1:30 for members to get settled and socialize a bit before the meeting.
There will also be a virtual Show Table. Send your photos of orchids in bloom to OrchidataOSRBG@gmail.com by 7 pm on Friday March 19 to allow time for the power point to be assembled. Be sure to include your name and the name of the orchid, and if you like, some information about its parentage or how you grow it.