For the January meeting, a team of AOS Orchid Judges from the Toronto Judging Centre will be on hand to conduct a session of Outreach Judging. They will select a few of the best plants from our Show Table to be judged, and will talk about the process involved. So clean your plants, stake them and bring them in. Who knows? You might be going home with an AOS awarded plant. Because of time constraints, only few plants will be selected for consideration in depth. Also, you should be aware that if a plant is found to merit an award, there is a fee involved in accepting an award.
As usual, the meeting will begin at 2 pm, with time for socializing and talking to vendors from 1:30 pm onwards. Important: if you have a plant or plants to be considered for judging, please come earlier rather than later, to give the judges ample time to look at them. The meeting will take place in Room 5, RBG, 680 Plains Road W., Burlington, Ontario. Guests are welcome. Masking (or not) will be in accordance with provincial and RBG guidelines and personal preferences. Because of the nature of this event, it will not be available via Zoom.