Our speaker for the April 18th meeting will be Eric Sauer from River Valley Orchids in Ohio and he will be presenting on the topic of Maxillaria. Eric has spoken to our Society before, but here is a quick review of his bio to refresh your memory: Eric has been growing orchids for 30 years and specializes in South American Species. He has several of his Maxillaria photos published in Eric Christenson’s book on Maxillaria. Eric has received over 85 awards from the American Orchid Society and has three orchids named after him including two species from Ecuador. He regularly works with other Maxillaria aficionados around the world to better understand the genus. Eric’s real job is as a registered landscape architect and is the planning manager for Five Rivers MetroParks in Dayton, Ohio.
As has become the norm, our meeting will be held via Zoom, and as usual, members will receive an invitation during the week prior to the meeting. Non-members who wish to attend may request an invitation by contacting orchidataOSRBG@gmail.com. The formal meeting begins at 2 pm (Eastern time zone, DST) but the doors will be open, so to speak, around 1:30 for those who wish to get settled and socialize in advance.
There will also be a virtual Show table. Members can send photos of their orchids in bloom to orchidataOSRBG@gmail.com before 7 pm on Friday April 16. Please include the name of the orchid and its parentage (if known) as well as your own name and any pertinent remarks about the plant and its culture.