For our April meeting, the topic is “Tiny Slippers.” Miniature Paphiopedilums are not only stunningly beautiful but small enough that you just might find space to fit a few in your collection. This presentation will discuss the breeding for the perfect miniature plants and what species are used by hybridizers, and will showcase many of the recent miniature crosses that have been created. After this talk, you may be tempted to collect a few of these beauties at the next orchid show and so our speaker, Deb Boersma will also talk about cultural requirements.
Deb is a recently retired Chemistry teacher from St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario. She has been growing orchids for 30 years. She started by growing under lights and then in a sunroom, but in 2014 she built a greenhouse to house her growing collection. She has about 500 orchids including Cattleyas, Sobralias, Paphiopedilums, Tolumnias and several other miscellaneous genera. She is the President of the Windsor Orchid Society and an associate judge in the AOS judging program at the Great Lakes Judging Center, Ann Arbor. She has received several AOS quality awards, Best in Class awards and she was the recipient of the Orchid Digest Diamond Award in 2016.
The meeting takes place at the RBG Headquarters, 680 Plains Rd. W, Burlington, ON, (probably in Room 5 – subject to confirmation). The formal meeting begins at 2 pm, but you are invited to arrive as early as 1:30 to socialize and interact with vendors. Bring your beautiful orchids in bloom for the show table, and if so inclined, any orchids or orchid-related items for the raffle or treats for coffee break. Masking (or not) is based on personal preference. Members and guests welcome.