General Meeting: Sunday October 16, 2016

vanilla   Vanilla!

Our speaker for this meeting is Ottawa orchidist Marilyn Light who will talk about the Orchids of Reunion Island which she describes as “an exciting and dynamic place”. The presentation is partly a travelog and partly a report on the cultivation of many kinds of Vanilla and an overview of the wild orchids that were growing/flowering during her visit. She will also introduce the challenges of weather and volcanic activity, sporadic disruptive events that fashion the life of orchids on that island. Educated as a microbiologist, Marilyn has raised orchids from seed and has registered more than 20 hybrids, of which three have received awards. She and her husband have been involved with conservation of terrestrial orchids since 1985, tracking individual plant behaviour, fecundity, and pest susceptibility/resistance.

The meeting will take place in Rooms 3 and 4 (note the change from our regular venue) at Royal Botanical Gardens, 680 Plains Road West, Burlington. The formal part of the meeting starts at 2 pm but you are invited to come any time after 1 pm to socialize and interact with vendors. Members and guests are welcome.