The topic for our August meeting is “Dendrochilums for the Amateur Grower” and the speaker will be Pat Vuurman. Pat is well-known to OSRBG members and to orchid enthusiasts nationally and internationally as a respected AOS Judge. He has been the Head Judge for the OSRBG Show for several years. Pat has been a member of the OSRBG Executive for more years that perhaps even he remembers and has served in practically every position. Among other activities, he guides and instructs the volunteers who work in the RBG Orchid House. In addition, he currently holds the position of Treasurer of the Toronto Judging Centre. He is knowledgeable about many types of orchids and frequently shares his insights as a panelist at Society meetings and in discussing the orchids on the Show Table. As a grower, he is perhaps best known for his Paphs and Phrags although he grows and exhibits a variety of other interesting specimens as well. Recently he has become interested in Dendrochilums and will share with us what he has learned from his experience and research.
As usual, the meeting will be held at RBG Headquarters, 680 Plains Rd. W., Burlington, Ontario (probably in room 5, subject to confirmation). The formal meeting will begin at 2 pm but you are invited to arrive as early as 1:30 to socialize and interact with vendors. Don’t forget to bring your beautiful orchids in bloom for the Show Table. If you have any orchids or orchid-related items for the raffle, these are always appreciated. Members and guests are welcome.