The speaker for our October meeting is Drew Goddard and the title of his talk is ” Breeding and Growing Orchids: a hobbyist’s journey”. Drew is the owner and operator of “This Side of Paradise”. He is also a member and former President of our Orchid Society and a member of several other orchid societies as well. As the title of his talk suggests, Drew will discuss his route into orchid-growing and some of what he learned along the way about breeding orchids.
Although he had been growing plants of various kinds all his life–the first one being a water lotus given to him by his mother when he was only 5–“everything from tulips to bonsai,” it took a while for him to get into orchids. His main hobby as an adult was raising Dart Frogs. It was only when he was researching what plants to use to fill his vivariums that he realized that Dart Frogs and Orchidaceae were so compatible. Now, 20 years later, the obsession is complete. He says “I gradually dragged my wife Jacquie into the hobby and now it’s a full-on family affair”. Over the past couple of years they have been “flasking up a storm” and in a few more years they will have a large number of Phalaenopsis for sale. Their personal collection is composed mainly of Nodosa and Phal species.
The meeting will take place in Room 5 at the RBG headquarters, 680 Plains Road West, Burlington Ontario. The formal meeting starts at 2 pm but you are encouraged to arrive as early as 1:30 to socialize and interact with vendors (of which This Side of Paradise is likely to be one). Please bring your beautiful orchids in bloom for the Show Table and, if so inclined, any orchids or orchid-related paraphernalia for the raffle. Members and guests welcome.